Wild + Free conference inspiration

wild + free conference I had such an amazing time at the Wild + Free conference. Inspiration, learning, feeling connected, and basically just that feeling of "these are my people."

If you haven't discovered the Wild + Free community yet, take a sec to peek at their website and see what this homeschool community is all about. 

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(I fell in love with the melodic harmonies of the band Branches, who admittedly were playing their first gig at a homeschool conference and thought we were probably the "nicest" crowed (being moms) that they'd ever played for.) :)

I had never been to the Queen Mary after all these years (even after going to school and working in Long Beach for three years), and stepping onto the ship was a bit of a step back into time. There was lots of wood, beautiful ornate design, and nautical details that in a modern setting might seem kitsch-y but that here nostalgically represented a by-gone era.  The conference went by in a flash, and I only wish I'd had more time to explore the setting.

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As for the conference itself, it was really unlike anything I'd every experienced in my homeschooling career. I felt encouraged, and my vision was renewed in a way that gave me strength to finish the school year strong, and get excited for the year(s) to come.

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By and large, I took two main takeaways from the conference. As I looked at my notes from the various sessions, I realized I wrote down the same things multiple times, as I listened to speakers Lynsey Kramer, Sarah Mackenzie, Bethany Douglass, Jodi Mockabee, Emily Waechtler and Toni Weber, and Stephanie Beaty.

First, I was reminded to know why I'm doing this {strange, counter-cultural, crazy} way of education for my kids. Having a vision and a purpose behind what we're doing will help me push through the hard days and take risks.

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And secondly, I was encouraged to get back the heart, literally. To focus on relationship-building in our family, and on character, and not let the curriculum and the checklist whip me into a frenzy. This is where being part of a charter school can actually be a bit of a hindrance, because I have standards, lessons, and a calendar laid out for me. While those can be a help and a blessing at times (and there is certainly blessing in the two school days my kids get to go to each week #praise hands), it does mean I have to fight to little harder to maintain that peaceful, "wild and free" atmosphere that I want so much for my kids in our home.

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Practical things I want to implement in the coming year:

-prioritizing our time around the table and helpers in the kitchen more

-speaking blessings over my children --Bethany Douglass was a big inspiration in this and the whole 'life-around-the-table' realm

-teaching and singing The Doxology with my kids-- Sarah Mackenzie led us all in singing this a capella and it was beautiful

-chuck it all and have occasional "Just Because We Can Days"

-incorporate letters of affirmation between siblings into our discipline and reconciliation (building up what was lost in conflict)-- this was an idea shared by Jodi Mockabee

-making home a priority and establishing a good rhythm

-nurturing the kids in what they love

-Treasuring the "doing" more than the "getting it done" -- this was based on a quote by Anna Quindlen as shared by Stephanie Beatty

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As with the blog conferences I have been to in the past, there was lots of joy here in connecting Instagram avatars to real faces and sharing hugs with mamas with whom I had already connected  and been inspired by online, and mixing that with quality time with real-life friends (some of whom thought this whole meeting-people-from-the-internet was a bit funny) was a wonderful blend.

And now that I have connected with a local Wild + Free group, I am excited to continue the mutual encouragement and inspiration as we explore the outdoors with our kids together, geek out over school stuff, and grow closer together as mama friends. Contact me if you are a local mama who is interested in joining us!

Thank you, Ainsley and the W+F crew for such an amazing time of respite and rejuvenation. <3