The {new} Bennettar Academy: a homeschool blog within a blog

I'm really excited about moving all my posts back to one place; a clean, simple site. I do like to occasionally write homeschooling-themed posts and updates, but in an effort to keep them separate and streamlined, I've decided to have them set apart from the rest of my posts. 

new bennettar academy post menu.jpg

Don't worry, nothing changes for you if you are a subscriber (assuming I've set it all up correctly). ;) If you'd like to see the archives or peek into our homeschool room, you'll see those options in the drop down menu called "Learning & Lit" on my blog page. Any new posts will be published under "The Bennettar Academy."

If you haven't subscribed yet to get homeschool updates, you can do so by subscribing here

Thanks for reading!