3rd grade in 2015-2016: Curriculum
It's hard to believe that we are going into our fourth year of homeschooling and that Gigi will be in 3rd grade! Here's what curriculum we are planning to use this year (which could always change, of course, but this is what we'll be starting with).
For language arts and social studies we'll be looping some of our curriculum (see that plan here), rather than trying to fit it all in each homeschool day.
Language Arts
Cursive- finishing up Cursive Handwriting and beginning Cursive Success
Grammar- First Language Lessons Vol 2
Writing- Writing With Ease Vol 1, Story Starters (found this spiral flip book at Lakeshore and it looks really fun!)
Spelling- Purposeful Design (we'll keep going in the Grade 2 book)
Reading- books of her choice, classics and more TBD (I just got a huge pile of books from a former homeschool mom to look through!)
Super excited to try these new-to-us language options:
Life of Fred Elementary Series (Gigi is currently finishing up Cats)
Social Studies
Story of the World Vol 3, supplemented with A Child's History of the World and various encyclopedias and literature
Liberty's Kids DVD series, plus some U.S. history/geography projects
Gigi really loved our introduction to Shakespeare last year so I'm thrilled to keep learning more about him and his stories and memorizing passages with the kids.
Tales from Shakespeare, How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, Usborne's Illustrated Stories from Shakespeare
Long Story Short (this is the devotional that goes with our church's children's curriculum)
Exploring Grace Together devotional
Corinthians study (Community Bible Study)
Gigi will be hopefully taking a math/science project-based class at her learning center, and then we will supplement with nature journaling, and some science that relates to our history units.
At the charter school's learning center, Gigi will also be taking drama (her fave!), art, chess, and horticulture/economics (where they do gardening and usually some kind of market project where they design and make some kind of product or service to sell at the holiday market).
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