WriMo Update~ The Madness Begins Edition!

As the NaNoWriMo Blog mentioned this week, 2008 loves novelists! And I wanted to post this for any other participants out there: a fellow Denver NaNo shared this cool Word Count Calendar that will make keeping track of progress easier!

Rather than just using Word, I'm trying out a program called Scrivener. It has a 30-day trial, which would work perfect for NaNo! But I'm sure I'll end up purchasing it because I really like it so far. There's a great video tutorial on the site.

So, I woke up early this morning... I actually felt like a little kid trying to sleep on Christmas Eve. And Chiquita slept in until almost 9 am (!!), so I was able to crank out a little over 1,000 words. It felt good, but I'm still feeling a little doubtful that I can do this (prayers accepted!). But I'm going for it!

Remember you can click the blue NaNoWriMo button in my sidebar to go to my Auther Profile on the NaNo website. I hope to update my word count there as much as possible.