My favorite (and not-so-favorite) books of 2014


my favorites books read in 2014 sm The year's not quite over yet as of my writing this, so I'm determined to finish at least one, if not two, more books but as of now my year's end tally of books read is at 42. Not bad I suppose!

I've talked about a lot of the books I read either here on the blog or elsewhere on social media. But I just wanted to wrap the year up with mentioning my most-loved reads here again. These weren't all published this year (although some were), and aren't really in any particular order.

{Linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy!}


One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

I just loved this book-- it's a clever tale bringing unlikely characters together, with a very tender romance, sweet family dynamics, and a definitely adventurous plan to overcome adversity.


Delancey by Molly Wizenberg

I have a weakness for food memoirs. Especially ones that I can get my husband to read. Molly's writing is so easy to read and I just love how she describes food. David just finished this and we both keep talking about artisan pizza now, and how we want to try pizza at all of Brandon's inspiration restaurants. We will definitely visit Delancey/Essex someday.


Notes From a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider

I'm not just choosing this one because it was the first time I was mentioned in the acknowledgements of a real bonafide book. ;) I really love Tsh's memoir/manifesto of simple living-- reading about her travels, and how life plays out for her family. I can't wait for her next book.


Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I had a hard time choosing which RR book to mention here. Landline was a close second for me, and then Fangirl. But I think the creative way this one was written and its endearing romance won me over as a favorite.

More runners-up that I thoroughly enjoyed as well:

A word about Jane Austen

motherhood and jane austen 250Reading through Jane's canon this year was a lot of fun, and I would go so far as to say it was a great accomplishment, except for that I'm not quite done yet. ;) I'm still finishing up Sense & Sensibility. Reading her novels back-to-back like that was really neat. I have to say that Pride & Prejudice is still my favorite, but Persuasion surprised me this time around as second favorite.

I'm definitely not disbanding our book club but haven't nailed down the plan for next year yet.

Least favorites

I have to mention a couple here... I started Emily Giffin's The One and Only, and barely made it a few chapters in. I read some terrible reviews that confirmed my early inklings, and I decided it wasn't worth my time. Blech. Then there was This is Where I Leave You. I'm still looking forward to seeing the movie, because I love Jason Bateman and Tina Fey, but this book disappointed me with its graphic descriptions and depressing undertones.

Happy New Year!

So that's my literary year in review. I'm hoping to up my quantity next year and have some fun bookish blogging things up my sleeve for 2015. Make sure you stay connected through my newsletter for the insider scoop.

As we close the year, I'm leaving you with this awesome revamp of an old New Year's Eve fave.

God bless you, dear readers!

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