Happy Summer, and a yummy, dairy-free ice cream recipe for you {Lava Flow Sherbet}

Ah, summer. So fleeting, so fantastic. I mean, seriously, I could not love summer more... and what better time (July is National ice cream month after all!) to enjoy some refreshing, creamy sherbet? 

My recent post on The Art of Simple is all about giving ice cream as gifts. I thought I'd share another flavor with you, in addition to the favorite flavor that I shared in that post. (If you're new here, thanks for clicking over. And if you'd like to stay in touch via my newsletter, you can do that by clicking here.)

I made this ice cream to take to a friend who's a new mom. She's taking a break from dairy so as I reflected on celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago, and remembered the Lava Flow drinks we drank in Hawaii, I knew just the creation I wanted to make to enjoy with my friend Sarah. 

A Lava Flow is basically a Pina Colada with a berry drizzle. I decided to blend all the flavors together to make it simple, and boy was it easy to whip up!

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Lava Flow Sherbet

makes almost 1 quart

  • 1 can full-fat coconut milk
  • 2 cups pineapple chunks (if frozen, thaw mostly first)
  • 2 cups berries (if frozen, thaw mostly first)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon spiced rum (optional)
  • pinch of salt

Blend all ingredients together in a high powered blender until smooth. (I rinsed my frozen fruit first to help thaw it.)

Chill in fridge until nice and cold (a couple of hours or overnight is ideal).

Mix in your ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions, and chill in freezer.

Enjoy your tropical treat!

Sharing a bowl of homemade ice cream with a friend, along with conversation and newborn baby snuggles on a warm summer night was perfectly delightful. Just a drop in the big bucket of summer enjoyment. I hope you're enjoying this summer as well.